Frontier Institute Statement in Support of HB 336
Frontier Institute Statement in Support of HB 336
Legislation will help alleviate Montana’s healthcare worker shortage.
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Legislation will help alleviate Montana’s healthcare worker shortage.
The Frontier Institute has identified 6 new Key Bills and 30 Key Bill updates for the week of February 17-21
Legislation will ensure Montanans are free to use crypto
"By avoiding failed, heavy-handed policies attempted in other states and adopting a policy strategy focused on addressing government overreach and embracing free enterprise, Montana state lawmakers have the opportunity to chart a productive path forward for internet content policy."
Our current property tax system essentially functions as a one-way tax ratchet, where property taxes increase but almost never decrease, and where one vote by a small plurality in a single election can lock in a permanent tax hike
"Eastman subsequently did for cameras what Steven Jobs would do for computers almost eight decades later. He put photography within the reach of almost every American family."
Legislation addresses one of the leading cost drivers of building housing in cities
Legislation will cut red tape and improve the MEPA process without compromising environmental protections
Legislation gives landowners in Montana city centers more freedom to build denser starter homes
Lawmakers can bolster Montana’s healthcare workforce with permanent red tape relief
The Frontier Institute has identified 6 new Key Bills and 18 Key Bill updates for the week of February 10-14
The Frontier Institute has identified 5 new Key Bills and 17 Key Bill updates for the week of February 3-7
SB 212 affirms fundamental rights in the digital age
The STARS Act will hold public schools accountable for results