Listening to the calls for hearing aid reform

Tanner Avery

Director of The Center for New Frontiers

Tanner Avery
/ Blog
November 3, 2021

Listening to the calls for hearing aid reform

Reducing restrictive regulation could allow for Montanans to reap the benefits of lower hearing aid costs and provide greater access to rural communities.

“Whenever we impose one-source decisions for millions of decisions made independently…we get chaos…And…freedom must disappear as we practice the error!” – Leonard Read

For many Americans the simple act of hearing a conversation isn’t so simple. More than 37 million Americans report having “some degree of hearing loss,” but only a fifth of them have ever used a hearing aid. A 2019 study found that one of the leading factors limiting access to hearing aids is the cost, which can range anywhere from $1000 to $6000 for each device.

In an effort to make hearing aids more affordable the FDA announced a rule change which would make some hearing aids available over-the-counter. This change would increase competition, helping to reduce costs and increase access to the devices. Over-the-counter hearing aids will also be available online, allowing for rural communities to have the same access to the life changing technology as those in cities.

Millions of Americans will quickly see the benefits of the reduction of red-tape, but Montanans may not be so lucky. Montana law regulates who can sell, dispense or fit a hearing aid through licensing requirements. Hearing aids have been regulated by the FDA “as prescription medical devices — an arrangement that adds to the cost and effort people must expend to get them.” While the new FDA rules would allow for OTC hearing aids to be sold, Montana law still regulates who can sell or dispense hearing aids, limiting the potential for cost reduction and increased access for the technology in the state.

Montana’s regulatory requirements on who can sell and dispense hearing aids is yet another example of how well intentioned regulations can cause harm to those they are hoping to protect. Reducing restrictive regulation could allow for Montanans to reap the benefits of lower hearing aid costs and provide greater access to rural communities. Reforming Montana’s hearing aid regulations is one way lawmakers can roll back harmful regulations, but legislators will need a comprehensive approach to reducing burdensome regulations if they wish to prevent excessive regulations from getting out of control again.

For Liberty,

Tanner Avery

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Our Take: These articles underscore how many Montana communities are seeing a shortage in middle housing, which is contributing to higher housing costs. Local zoning laws create barriers to building affordable housing by implementing regulations that limit housing supply through restrictions on “maximum densities, minimum lot sizes, setback, lot coverage and high parking requirements.” Reducing restrictive regulations on housing is one way to alleviate the supply shortage and help Montana communities struggling with rising housing costs.

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