Keeping the spirit of the western frontier alive

What Should Freedom-Loving States Do About Internet Content?

What Should Freedom-Loving States Do About Internet Content?

"By avoiding failed, heavy-handed policies attempted in other states and adopting a policy strategy focused on addressing government overreach and embracing free enterprise, Montana state lawmakers have the opportunity to chart a productive path forward for internet content policy."

By Tanner Avery

The One-Way Property Tax Ratchet

The One-Way Property Tax Ratchet

Our current property tax system essentially functions as a one-way tax ratchet, where property taxes increase but almost never decrease, and where one vote by a small plurality in a single election can lock in a permanent tax hike

By Kendall Cotton

Remembering A Famous Camera

Remembering A Famous Camera

"Eastman subsequently did for cameras what Steven Jobs would do for computers almost eight decades later. He put photography within the reach of almost every American family."

By Lawrence Reed