Keeping the spirit of the western frontier alive

Montana Blockchain Innovator: Alex Shefrin

Montana Blockchain Innovator: Alex Shefrin

"Now is the perfect time to nurture Montanans’ entrepreneurial spirit to have this technology be home-grown right here. Montana is a great place to live – it’s time we make it a great place to build decentralized innovations."

By Tanner Avery

Truths About Taxes

Truths About Taxes

I haven’t met a single Montanan who feels comfortable with our state’s current tax system. Just about everyone wants tax relief and is looking for answers. And unfortunately, there are no silver bullets to reform. I’ve tried to keep the following truths in mind as I’ve considered my own views about tax reform in Montana.

By Kendall Cotton

Doing Something About the Debt Bomb

Doing Something About the Debt Bomb

"It may be what Benjamin Franklin had in mind when he said the Founders gave the American people a republic, but only so long as we can muster the courage, integrity, and fiscal rectitude to keep it."

By Lawrence Reed

Bullish On AI

Bullish On AI

"Montana has every reason to be bullish on AI, but without leaders doing more to champion these innovations, we may have our incoming productivity boom prematurely thwarted."

By Tanner Avery

Montana Blockchain Innovator: Leigh Drogen

Montana Blockchain Innovator: Leigh Drogen

"The implication of crypto is that Americans will end up saving a tremendous amount of money on the cost of every economic transaction they do – whether it's a lower interest rate you have to pay when you take out a loan, or a lower fee associated with buying that cup of coffee."

By Tanner Avery

On Earth Day, Thank A Logger

On Earth Day, Thank A Logger

"More active forest management is great news for those who love Montana’s “clean and healthful” environment and want to improve the global climate."

By Kendall Cotton

Public Comment To DEQ MEPA Working Group 4.15.24

Public Comment To DEQ MEPA Working Group 4.15.24

"If this really is a climate emergency, like some suggest, then we should be doing everything in our power to streamline our permitting process, NOT implementing more red tape on projects that will ultimately benefit the climate."

By Tanner Avery

Public Comment On PSC Petition For Rulemaking 4.8.24

Public Comment On PSC Petition For Rulemaking 4.8.24

"If the petitioners would like the PSC to implement a carbon tax on Montana utility customers through ratemaking, they should pursue future legislation which would direct the PSC to do so, rather than attempting to run it through the back door via administrative rulemaking."

By Frontier Institute