Keeping the spirit of the western frontier alive

Redefining Public Schools

Redefining Public Schools

"With the introduction of education freedom laws, the legislature has fulfilled this mandate by expanding the system to encompass tangible options for parents that would otherwise be unattainable."

By Trish Schreiber

End The Property Tax Blame Game

End The Property Tax Blame Game

"Local governments must accept responsibility for what they can control: the growth of their annual budget as a means to enable property tax relief."

By Kendall Cotton

The Dawn of Education Freedom in Montana?

The Dawn of Education Freedom in Montana?

In October, an unprecedented event took place. Twenty-six charter school applications were submitted to the Montana Board of Public Education (BPE) for consideration. These 26 applications represent a remarkable statewide initiative to introduce charter schools to the Treasure State, something the education establishment has resisted for 31 years. During that time, 45 other states have...

By Benjamin Lindquist, Cody Bendix

Reform MEPA For A Better Climate

Reform MEPA For A Better Climate

Instead of stirring controversy, reforming MEPA could be a rare opportunity to forge bipartisan consensus around reforms that modernize the law for the 21st century, increase predictability for business and benefit the global climate.

By Kendall Cotton

Indians, Property Rights, and Ayn Rand

Indians, Property Rights, and Ayn Rand

In 1876, when rejecting the demand to move his people to a reservation, Chief Joseph said, “I claim a right to live on my land and accord you the privilege to return to yours.” To me, that sounds like a man who understands private property.

By Lawrence Reed

Fixing Forest Litigation

Fixing Forest Litigation

"Reasonable reforms like these are needed to make litigation and injunctions less disruptive and fix America’s forests."

By Hannah Downey

Letter Recommending 4 Principles For MEPA Reform

Letter Recommending 4 Principles For MEPA Reform

Reforming MEPA could be a rare opportunity to forge bipartisan consensus around reforms that modernize the law for the 21st Century, increase predictability for business and benefit the global climate.

By Tanner Avery