There Is Little Freedom In Free Money
There Is Little Freedom In Free Money
"Millions of young Americans are struggling today because too many politicians have convinced them they need more government support to truly experience all the freedom America has to offer."
By Joe Coco
Freedom and the 70/30 Rule
Freedom and the 70/30 Rule
"I think the reason why governments tend to grow faster than they shrink is because people have lost the art of taking care of each other. They believe the government can fill a void best filled by strong personal relationships."
By Joe Coco
Overcoming The Obstacle Of Poor Thinking
Overcoming The Obstacle Of Poor Thinking
"When we stop “thinking poor” and start actively working towards positive change in our lives, we position ourselves to obtain financial security and human flourishing."
By Joe Coco
Bozeman’s Plastic Bag Ban – What are the Costs and Benefits?
Bozeman’s Plastic Bag Ban – What are the Costs and Benefits?
The proposed ban is a symbolic, feel-good program whose net benefits are almost surely negative.
By Randy Rucker
My Experience With Free Market Healthcare
My Experience With Free Market Healthcare
Free market medicine is already here, and this Montana family has been enjoying it for years. It is time to get the word out so other Montanans can benefit as well.
By Joe Coco
How To Be The Smartest Person In The Room Without Going To College
How To Be The Smartest Person In The Room Without Going To College
"All Montanans should consider taking advantage of the inexpensive educational opportunities that are available both locally and online to reach their fullest intellectual potential."
By Joe Coco
Viewpoint: Common Good vs Greater Good; One is Often Good, One is Evil
Viewpoint: Common Good vs Greater Good; One is Often Good, One is Evil
We all bear the responsibility to critically examine these policies and to resist when they infringe upon liberties, ethical standards or the rights of individuals.
By Jack Brown
Cryptocurrency Mining: Bringing Montana’s Electrical Grid Into The 21st Century
Cryptocurrency Mining: Bringing Montana’s Electrical Grid Into The 21st Century
"By allowing for solutions that stabilize the energy grid we can ensure that the Montana way of life remains strong throughout the 21st century."
By Tanner Avery
The Solution To Montana’s Longest Running Problem
The Solution To Montana’s Longest Running Problem
"While decades of attempts to address this problem have come up short, one thing has become evident, if leaders want to prevent young Montanans from leaving then they must continue to make Montana a sanctuary for freedom and opportunity."
By Tanner Avery
Montana’s Healthcare Reforms Set National Example
Montana’s Healthcare Reforms Set National Example
As one healthcare expert recently put it, “Other states should now look to Montana for guidance on how to get health policy right.”
By Tanner Avery
Why Don’t We Build Like We Used To?
Why Don’t We Build Like We Used To?
"So if these projects were built in record time 90 years ago, why do today’s vital projects take so long?"
By Tanner Avery
Rare Earth Elements Discovered In The Bitterroots
Rare Earth Elements Discovered In The Bitterroots
"With names like neodymium and praseodymium, you might not be very familiar with these elements, but the reality is they are indispensable in the creation of things that you use on a daily basis."
By Tanner Avery
2023 End Of Session Wrap Up
2023 End Of Session Wrap Up
Here’s a summary of the successful proposals we had a direct hand in crafting and supporting, as well as other big wins we are celebrating.
By Kendall Cotton
Eminently Debatable: Judge Moses’s Reasoning On The Laurel Power Plant Shutdown
Eminently Debatable: Judge Moses’s Reasoning On The Laurel Power Plant Shutdown
"Yet, according to Judge Moses, the plain meaning of a 12-year-old statute, with no subsequent GHG reduction statutes or regulations and after countless other environmental reviews, now compels the DEQ to suddenly develop a regulatory framework for assessing the impact of GHG for the Laurel Plant project is eminently debatable."
By Frontier Institute