Center For New Frontiers


The Center for New Frontiers is dedicated to opening new frontiers for freedom so Montanans can build and create an abundant future.

2023-2025 Policy Priorities

The Center’s biennium policy priorities are:

– Securing fundamental rights to enable economic dynamism
– Regulatory reforms to empower innovators and entrepreneurs
– Encouraging crypto and blockchain innovation
– Eliminating policy barriers to energy abundance
– Developing pro-innovation environmental policy

Montana 2050 Project

The Center will also lead the Montana 2050 Project, an initiative to develop a long-range free market policy vision for issues critical to future economic prosperity. During the 23-25 Biennium, the Center will explore long-range Montana 2050 priorities in the following issue areas:

– Property Rights
– Occupational Licensing
– Education
– Red Tape Relief

Public Comment On PSC Petition For Rulemaking 4.8.24

Public Comment On PSC Petition For Rulemaking 4.8.24

"If the petitioners would like the PSC to implement a carbon tax on Montana utility customers through ratemaking, they should pursue future legislation which would direct the PSC to do so, rather than attempting to run it through the back door via administrative rulemaking."

By Frontier Institute

Make Berkeley Pit Great Again

Make Berkeley Pit Great Again

"In 25 years, Montana energy companies could be installing wind turbines and solar panels built in Montana, with semiconductors and photonic technology manufactured in Montana, utilizing Rare Earth Elements extracted and processed in Montana, to export clean Montana-made energy to power the nation."

By Kendall Cotton

Modern Mining, Outdated Permitting: Black Butte Copper Mine

Modern Mining, Outdated Permitting: Black Butte Copper Mine

"Despite the critical role copper plays in environmental progress and a proposal for the most responsible copper mine in Montana history, a small number of radical groups were able to hijack our permitting process and block Black Butte for years."

By Tanner Avery

Leave Policy Making To Lawmakers

Leave Policy Making To Lawmakers

"It’s clear the proper place to address the multifarious issues raised by global climate change that concern the plaintiffs is within the democratic processes of our representative legislature — not the courts."

By Kendall Cotton

Reform MEPA For A Better Climate

Reform MEPA For A Better Climate

Instead of stirring controversy, reforming MEPA could be a rare opportunity to forge bipartisan consensus around reforms that modernize the law for the 21st century, increase predictability for business and benefit the global climate.

By Kendall Cotton

Letter Recommending 4 Principles For MEPA Reform

Letter Recommending 4 Principles For MEPA Reform

Reforming MEPA could be a rare opportunity to forge bipartisan consensus around reforms that modernize the law for the 21st Century, increase predictability for business and benefit the global climate.

By Tanner Avery

The Solution To Montana’s Longest Running Problem

The Solution To Montana’s Longest Running Problem

"While decades of attempts to address this problem have come up short, one thing has become evident, if leaders want to prevent young Montanans from leaving then they must continue to make Montana a sanctuary for freedom and opportunity."

By Tanner Avery

Towards A New Green Coalition

Towards A New Green Coalition

"Emerging from this breakdown in the environmental movement, I believe, is the possibility of a new green coalition that is pro-innovation, pro – private property and yes, even pro – family."

By Kendall Cotton