Education Freedom

Ready Or Not, Montanan High Schoolers Are Heading To College

Ready Or Not, Montanan High Schoolers Are Heading To College

Fall 2023 proved to be a windfall for the Montana University System. According to the latest headcount, enrollment hit its highest point since the COVID-19 pandemic, reaching 42,010 students. The University of Montana alone enrolled 10,327 students at its main campus. Missoula College had its largest freshman class since 2016. As the graph illustrates, over...

By Benjamin Lindquist, Cody Bendix

Redefining Public Schools

Redefining Public Schools

"With the introduction of education freedom laws, the legislature has fulfilled this mandate by expanding the system to encompass tangible options for parents that would otherwise be unattainable."

By Trish Schreiber

The Dawn of Education Freedom in Montana?

The Dawn of Education Freedom in Montana?

In October, an unprecedented event took place. Twenty-six charter school applications were submitted to the Montana Board of Public Education (BPE) for consideration. These 26 applications represent a remarkable statewide initiative to introduce charter schools to the Treasure State, something the education establishment has resisted for 31 years. During that time, 45 other states have...

By Benjamin Lindquist, Cody Bendix

Standing Up To Bullies

Standing Up To Bullies

"The education establishment’s bullies have made clear from the get-go they will stop at nothing to block Choice Schools for students."

By Kendall Cotton

The Education Establishment’s Big Lie

The Education Establishment’s Big Lie

"As the fate of Montana’s Community Choice Schools Act remains in limbo in the courts, Montanans should know that the education establishment’s smear campaign against Choice Schools is built on a lie intended to polarize the debate with fear and disinformation."

By Kendall Cotton

The Big Lie And Other Myths About Charter Schools

The Big Lie And Other Myths About Charter Schools

"While some of the false claims are based in truth from other states’ laws, they do not hold true in Montana. Choice Schools empower communities to create student-centered, public schools that are free and open to all."

By Trish Schreiber

How To Use Montana’s New School Choice Laws

How To Use Montana’s New School Choice Laws

"With the focus on funding individual educational choices of students rather than on the geographical location of schools, Montana families will finally be the drivers of their children’s education."

By Tanner Avery