Frontier Institute statement in support of SB 203

Frontier Institute statement in support of SB 203

SB 203 Will Ensure Privacy Protections Keep Up with New Technology

Today the Frontier Institute offered support for SB 203, a bill which expands protections for Montanans’ right to privacy.

SB 203, proposed by Senator Ken Bogner of Miles City, follows Frontier Institute’s recommendations to expand protections for private digital information. SB 203 updates protections for Montanans’ right to privacy by making clear that Article II, Section 11 of Montana’s Constitution safeguards electronic data and communications from warrantless searches and seizures.

“Montanans are overwhelmingly concerned about the privacy of their personal information and they want more protections from mass government surveillance. Lawmakers ought to listen to them,” said Kendall Cotton, President and CEO of the Frontier Institute. “Updating Montana’s Constitution with expanded privacy protections will send a strong message that the Government is making our rights a priority.”

Frontier Institute research shows a large percentage of Montanans have concerns about the privacy of their personal information. Respondents to a Frontier Institute poll cited overwhelmingly that they want protections from government mass surveillance and assurances about how their private info is collected, stored, and shared.

By amending Montana’s constitution, SB 203 will ensure that privacy protections are the default for law enforcement, rather than waiting for the legislature to catch up with new technology.

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