Meet Montana’s Newest Direct Patient Care Provider

Tanner Avery

Director of The Center for New Frontiers

Tanner Avery
/ Blog
August 25, 2022

Meet Montana’s Newest Direct Patient Care Provider

"That is what makes DPC so special, it’s a win-win for both patients and providers."

By now, you’ve probably heard how Direct Patient Care (DPC) is transforming the healthcare industry. This free market model of healthcare where patients bypass insurance to pay for healthcare services directly, often in the form of a low cost membership similar to a gym membership, continues to expand across Montana. 

The latest provider to begin offering services is Karis Medical Services, a mobile direct patient care clinic based in Bozeman. 

After growing frustrated with the current state of health care, Co-Founders Jeff Chandler and Sarah Pratt, began looking for ways to provide healthcare in a more honest, convenient, and accessible manner.

They decided to open a Direct Patient Care clinic because there were clear benefits to both patients, who would see considerable cost savings and more personalized care, and to providers who would finally have more flexibility after years of feeling burnt out.

That is what makes DPC so special, it’s a win-win for both patients and providers. This brings the total number of DPC providers in Montana to 17.

Here at Frontier we’ve always been advocates for the DPC model, that is why we championed SB 101, the bill that officially authorized DPC in Montana. We couldn’t be more excited about this newest addition to the Bozeman community. However, if you don’t live in Bozeman, you can use our map to find a DPC provider near you.

For Liberty,
Tanner Avery

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