Key Takeaways

  • Montana education is mediocre and has been declining since at least 2011 on The Nation’s Report Card and other important achievement measures.
  • Decades of focus on improving public school districts has not stopped this decline nor yielded results for Montana’s rising generation even with steady funding increases.
  • The existing education establishment has not, is not, and cannot meet changing family, student, community, and employer needs without growth in parent choice, innovation, and competition.
  • After the 2023 Session, attempts to give parents more choices, like access to ESAs and charter schools, were blocked by powerful interest groups that benefit from monopoly control.
  • Montana’s Legislature is introducing a new paradigm where parents and educators are freed from over- regulation and encouraged to do what is best for students and communities.
  • Expanding education freedom will require many years of growing markets and supportive laws, but continuing along the current path – pouring more money and regulation into a monopoly – can only multiply mediocrity and failure.