Spending & Budget

Lower Taxes Start by Reining in Spending

Lower Taxes Start by Reining in Spending

"Placing fiscally conservative spending limits on state and local government spending is one way to protect taxpayers and start to undo the damage done by out-of-control government growth."

By Kendall Cotton

$200 Million Reasons for High Property Taxes

$200 Million Reasons for High Property Taxes

"It’s time for local governments to place firm limits on the growth of new spending, keeping budgets within the bounds of economic growth and what taxpayers can reasonably afford."

By Kendall Cotton

Missoula: Overtaxed

Missoula: Overtaxed

Property taxes have long been a common discussion across Montana, but some residents may have a reason to feel that their property taxes are rising faster.

By Tanner Avery

New Policy Brief: The Real Missoula Budget

New Policy Brief: The Real Missoula Budget

It’s time for local governments to place firm limits on the growth of new spending, keeping budgets within the bounds of economic growth and what taxpayers can reasonably afford.

By Kendall Cotton

The Montana Example

The Montana Example

By adopting common-sense fiscal restraints like Montana and Texas have done, governments at all levels can start putting taxpayers first.

By Kendall Cotton