Tech & Innovation

Reform MEPA For A Better Climate

Reform MEPA For A Better Climate

Instead of stirring controversy, reforming MEPA could be a rare opportunity to forge bipartisan consensus around reforms that modernize the law for the 21st century, increase predictability for business and benefit the global climate.

By Kendall Cotton

Letter Recommending 4 Principles For MEPA Reform

Letter Recommending 4 Principles For MEPA Reform

Reforming MEPA could be a rare opportunity to forge bipartisan consensus around reforms that modernize the law for the 21st Century, increase predictability for business and benefit the global climate.

By Tanner Avery

Permit Montana To Build

Permit Montana To Build

"Readers should consider which is better for the climate: forcing critical projects through years of red tape and endless litigation, or building the infrastructure necessary for a clean and abundant energy future as fast as we possibly can?"

By Kendall Cotton

Rare Earth Elements Discovered In The Bitterroots

Rare Earth Elements Discovered In The Bitterroots

"With names like neodymium and praseodymium, you might not be very familiar with these elements, but the reality is they are indispensable in the creation of things that you use on a daily basis."

By Tanner Avery

Eminently Debatable: Judge Moses’s Reasoning On The Laurel Power Plant Shutdown

Eminently Debatable: Judge Moses’s Reasoning On The Laurel Power Plant Shutdown

"Yet, according to Judge Moses, the plain meaning of a 12-year-old statute, with no subsequent GHG reduction statutes or regulations and after countless other environmental reviews, now compels the DEQ to suddenly develop a regulatory framework for assessing the impact of GHG for the Laurel Plant project is eminently debatable."

By Frontier Institute