They Are ALL Our Children

By Trish Schreiber
"Policy should improve the lives of citizens by increasing and upholding the individual’s freedom and dignity. The system should not be superior to the individual."

TAGS: Education Freedom

Redefining Public Schools

By Trish Schreiber
"With the introduction of education freedom laws, the legislature has fulfilled this mandate by expanding the system to encompass tangible options for parents that would otherwise be unattainable."

TAGS: Education Freedom

Standing Up To Bullies

By Kendall Cotton
"The education establishment’s bullies have made clear from the get-go they will stop at nothing to block Choice Schools for students."

TAGS: Education Freedom

The Education Establishment’s Big Lie

By Kendall Cotton
"As the fate of Montana’s Community Choice Schools Act remains in limbo in the courts, Montanans should know that the education establishment’s smear campaign against Choice Schools is built on a lie intended to polarize the debate with fear and disinformation."

TAGS: Education Freedom