We Need To Talk About Occupational License Reform
We Need To Talk About Occupational License Reform
"Licensure reforms to reduce protectionist conflicts of interest and eliminate burdensome red tape are a big step forward in removing barriers to work and unleashing Montana’s economic potential."
By Frontier Institute
Fresh Eyes: Wrongful Judicial Bias Harms Montanans
Fresh Eyes: Wrongful Judicial Bias Harms Montanans
"As lawmakers look to strengthen the rights of Montanans, limiting the judiciary’s bias towards government could be a powerful way to ensure the courts err on the side of liberty by limiting the accumulated power of unelected regulators."
By Frontier Institute
Unprecedented Red Tape Relief On The Way
Unprecedented Red Tape Relief On The Way
"Whether repealing clearly absurd laws or amending dysfunctional rules, one thing is clear: Montanans can expect 2023 to bring some unprecedented red tape relief. That’s something to celebrate."
By Kendall Cotton
Unjust Takings: The State Of Regulatory Takings In Montana
Unjust Takings: The State Of Regulatory Takings In Montana
"The government’s power to regulate must be limited to actions of genuine public concern, not the whims of NIMBYs or special interest groups seeking to use regulations to destroy whole industries."
By Frontier Institute
78 Ways To Cut Red Tape
78 Ways To Cut Red Tape
"Just two years in, the Red Tape Relief Initiative has prompted at least 78 separate legislative proposals from state agencies that we’ve identified which advance the initiative’s mandate, meaning massive Red Tape Relief is on the way for Montanans in 2023."
By Tanner Avery
Tracking Red Tape Relief In The 2023 Legislature
Tracking Red Tape Relief In The 2023 Legislature
"Ensuring a small and efficient government requires proposals like this to ensure you are spending more time with customers and clients and less time staring at regulations."
By Frontier Institute
Making Montana A Leader In Energy Abundance
Making Montana A Leader In Energy Abundance
"Montana is uniquely positioned to become a national leader in energy abundance, but only if we address the government barriers standing in the way."
By Tanner Avery
Frontier Institute Spotlights Solutions to ‘Big Tech’ in New Video
Frontier Institute Spotlights Solutions to ‘Big Tech’ in New Video
Frontier Institute: Big Government is not the answer to 'Big Tech'
By Frontier Institute
The Work Being Done To Cut Red Tape In Montana
The Work Being Done To Cut Red Tape In Montana
"That’s why Governor Gianforte’s Red Tape Relief Initiative is so important, it tasks agencies with conducting a top-to-bottom regulatory review to identify and repeal excessive, outdated and unnecessary regulations."
By Tanner Avery
Montanans Finally Getting Red Tape Relief
Montanans Finally Getting Red Tape Relief
"After decades of a ‘government cures all’ philosophy, this is the first sign that the ship of state government is beginning to turn, and power is being returned to Montanans to control their own destiny."
By Kendall Cotton
Red Tape Stands In The Way of Rebuilding HW 89
Red Tape Stands In The Way of Rebuilding HW 89
"It shouldn’t take the greatest nation on earth years to rebuild from a disaster."
By Tanner Avery
The Role of Regulations on Inflation
The Role of Regulations on Inflation
"At a time when inflation is running rampant, there is little doubt that these massive rule increases are raising costs for Americans."
By Tanner Avery
Big Government Is Not The Answer To ‘Big Tech’
Big Government Is Not The Answer To ‘Big Tech’
"If the problem with Big Tech is centralized control of online activity, then Big Government — the most centralized authority of all — can never be the solution."
By Kendall Cotton
The Future Of Energy Creation In Montana
The Future Of Energy Creation In Montana
"Almost every part of modern day life relies on it, making energy generation one of the most important topics today."
By Tanner Avery